Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program E03 Japanese
Yokohama National University
(Division of Natural Environment and Information, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences)
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Proposal abstract Members Program Leader: Hiroyuki Matsuda 最終報告書(Final Report) Original site
●横浜国立大学・国立環境研究所Global COEプログラム最終シンポジウム
2012年4月21日(土)13:00-17:10 横浜国立大学教育文化ホール
13:00 開会挨拶:鈴木邦雄学長
13:10 藤江幸一:アジア視点の循環型社会
13:40 益永茂樹:化学物質リスク管理の成功と課題
14:10 及川敬貴:規範としての生物多様性―基本法時代の地域資源ガバナンス
14:50 休憩
15:10 金子信博:土地利用の持続可能性と生物多様性
15:40 五箇公一:外来生物法5年間の歩みとこれから
16:10 パネル討論:「ほどほど」で読み解く生態リスクとは(司会:松田裕之)
17:00 閉会挨拶:川本克也(国立環境研究所)
17:30 懇親会 横浜国大れんが館(予定)
■ニュースレター『EcoRisk(エコリスク)通信』 第14号
■ Ecorisk通信終刊企画
■ グローバルCOEプログラムに参加して 大野勝弘
■ YNU-GCOE research fellowship: a postdoctoral experience worth remembering
Daniel Edison Husana
■ 感謝!!COEプログラム 草間勝浩
■ 「アジア視点の国際生態リスクマネジメント」から学んだこと 小出大
■ 出版紹介
『生態系の暮らし方:アジア視点の環境リスク・マネジメント』 小池文人
■ GCOE事務局より 茂岡忠義・関口美穂子・来海麻衣
過去の『EcoRisk(エコリスク)通信』は こちら
森准教授コメント:東日本大地震に関連した災害ののちに、思うところをまとめていました。そして、私の考えの一部が、イギリスのNature誌に、Correspondanceとして掲載されることになりました。ジャーナルのポリシーと紙面の都合などにより、最終的には当初の半分ほどの文量になりました。とても短い文章なので、言いたいことの大要しか伝えられません。それでも、世界中に読者がいる、社会的インパクトの高い媒体に、私の主張を掲載してもらえることは、とても有り難いことと思っています。 森准教授HP Correspondance_mori.pdf
Effects of Radiation Exposure on Human Health
Avoiding the Wrong Response to Radiation Risk
■去る2月26日(土)、東京・神田の学士会館において開催したシンポジウム 「生物多様性条約 利用と保全の調和を考える」の講演記録集が出来ましたのでご参照ください(PDF 全98ページ)。
※メールアドレスの @ は全角文字になっています。
半角 @ に修正してから送信してください。
■ 書籍のご案内
生命誌年刊号vol.61-64 新曜社
林直樹 元COEフェロー(現 横浜国大産学連携研究員)ほか編著
『生物多様性というロジック 環境法の静かな革命』
及川 敬貴 著 勁草書房 発行
五箇 公一 著 創美社一般書 発行
伊藤公紀著 日本評論社 発行
In this Global COE program, we hope to contribute to the proper control of ecological risks in the developing nations in Asia. Throughout Asia, ecosystems are being destroyed, and ecosystem services are being significantly degraded, as a result of population growth and economic development.
Toward this goal, we aim to:
1) Analyze and present a vision of international risk management incorporating an Asian perspective into the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(MA) of the United Nations.
2) Investigate and analyze the ecosystem functions of forest vegetation, soil, and coastal regions of Asia. Present in detail a method for adaptive risk management, including the management of invasive species.
3) Develop and apply a concrete and practical method for risk management for
ecosystem services in the developing nations of Asia. These services include control of pesticides,
fertilizers, and other harmful substances, as well as the advanced usage
of biomass, genetically modified products, and recycling of waste substances.
4) Organize an international network of researchers, municipalities, companies
and citizens in order to connect "basic studies," "application case studies," and the "proposals of a new social system" based on a new policy idea.
5) Establish an international center for human resource development for young
researchers (with training experience described below) on the basis of items 1) to
4) above.
The most common approach to environmental policy appears to differ between Europe and North America. There is a tendency for European policy makers to stress precaution, while Americans focus more on adaptive management. This controversy has in part arisen due to the immaturity of ecological risk analysis, which provides a platform for environmental policy. Specifically, the main reason for disagreement in the international arena is considered to be due to the absence of the following two perspectives: 1) the perspective of adaptive risk management, i.e., that adaptive ex post facto verification is necessary for the precautionary principle and that the adaptive management, when uncertainty is taken into account, inevitably becomes the precautionary adaptive management; and 2) the perspective of developing countries in Asia that the use of ecosystem services inevitably entails ecosystem risk and that policies will require both risks and use of services to co-occur. Natural resource management will likely involve voluntary agreements and customs in addition to legislation, regulatory requirements or other mandatory systems.
Education plan: We intend to cultivate students' creativity to enable them
to work independently in new domains. At the same time, we aim to
1) develop the ability to write the scenario based on an objective analysis and comprehension with a broad perspective;
2) launch the International Education Curriculum for Environmental Risk Management (provisional name), with the goal of producing young researchers who can
lead global environmental activities in the future.
The curriculum will emphasize the ability to formulate a broad human network
and to negotiate social activities at home and abroad. We intend to
1) launch a hands-on training program, which will send students overseas, so that they can cultivate experience
in different academic fields, and
2) provide the various economic support system including public recruitment of the COE fellow (DC), dispatching researchers
overseas and inviting them from abroad targeting the students in the doctor
Research plan: We intend to
1) develop an adaptive risk management method and put it into practical application;
2) develop a method to analyze risk trade-offs, in order to comparatively measure risks in different dimensions;
3) make an international comparison of environmental governance and the nature park management system;
4) construct, propose, and apply case studies for evaluation, forecast, and management of the ecosystem risks;
5) investigate and analyze the ecosystem functions in the forest vegetation, soil, and coastal regions of Asia;
6) propose evaluation and management methods regarding biodiversity and
invasive species;
7) propose a technique for assessment of the impact of harmful substances such as fertilizers on the ecosystem, marine products, or water usage,
and use these assessments as the basis for a suitable adaptive management
8) develop/apply techniques to sustain ecosystem services, including social systems that enable recycling and advanced usage of
living resources/waste; and
9) construct/develop an infrastructure for knowledge and information for the environmental science and administration of ecosystem risk management,
based on trust-based relationships with data providers all over the world.
研究計画 最終報告書