updated on February 7, 1997
Related papers:

[28?] Abrams PA & Matsuda H (1995) Positive indirect effects between prey species that share predators. Ecology, in press.

[14] Abrams PA & Matsuda H (1993) Effects of adaptive predatory and anti-predator behavior in a two-prey-one-predator system. Evolutionary Ecology, 7:312-326.

[7] Matsuda H & Namba T (1991) Food web graph of a coevolutionarily stable community. Ecology, 72(1) :267-276.

[4] Matsuda H & Namba T (1989) Coevolutionarily stable community structure in a patchy environment. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 136:229-243.

[3] Matsuda H, Kawasaki K, Shigesada N, Teramoto E & Ricciardi LM (1986) Switching effect on predation of the prey-predator system with three trophic levels. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 122:251-262.

[2] Matsuda H (1985) Evolutionarily stable strategies for predator switching. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 115:351-366. [iv] Matsuda H, Namba T(1993) Community structure as a consequence of coevolution of multi predator species In:Proceedings of a Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar in the Environmental Sciences eds., DeAngelis DL & Teramoto E), Res.Rep.Oak Ridge Nat.Lab.USA ORNL/TM-12392. 77-89.

[i] Matsuda H, Kawasaki K, Shigesada N, Teramoto E & Ricciardi LM (1987) Evolutionary- and ecological stability of prey-predator systems with predatory switching. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 71 (eds. Teramoto E & Yamaguti M) , Springer-Verlag:172-181.

(in Japanese)

[15] 松田裕之 難波利幸 (1990) 生物の群集構造とグラフ理論. 生物科学, 第42巻3号:113-121.

松田 裕之

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