Related papers:

[27?] Abrams PA & Matsuda H (1995) Fitness minimization and dynamic instability as a consequence of predator-prey coevolution. Evolutionary press

[25] Matsuda H & Abrams PA (1995) Runaway evolution to self-extinction under asymmetric competition. Evolution 48: 1764-1772.

[24] Matsuda H & Abrams PA (1995) Plant-Herbivore Interactions and Theory of Coevolution. Plant Species Biology 9(3):155-162..

[22] Abrams PA & Matsuda H (1994) The evolution of traits that determine ability in competitive contests. Evolutionary Ecology, 8: 667-686.

[19] Matsuda H & Abrams PA (1994) Timid consumers: self-extinction due to adaptive change in foraging and anti-predator effort. Theoretical Population Biology, 45:76-91.

[16] Abrams PA, Harada Y & Matsuda H (1993) On the relationship between quantitative genetic and ESS models. Evolution, 47:982-985.

[15] Abrams PA, Matsuda H & Harada Y (1993) Evolutionarily unstable fitness maxima and stable minima in continuous trait values. Evolutionary Ecology, 7:465-487.

(in Japanese)

[43] 松田裕之 (1994) 覚りの数理生態学(10) 適応による種の自滅. 遺伝48(10):100-103

[35] 松田裕之 (1994) 覚りの数理生態学(5) 軍拡競走. 遺伝48(5) 61-65

松田 裕之

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