公開シンポジウム 人と自然の生きる海


abstract Japanese English presentation ppt file



・ トド保護運動を無視すれば、マグロ漁業の次に,やがて捕鯨の三の舞になる

・ 海生哺乳類と生態系の役割
 日本の調査捕鯨などの解析結果から、鯨類の摂食量(オキアミ等を含む)が世界の漁獲量の控えめに見ても3倍以上と推定され(Tamura & Ohsumi 1999:日本鯨類研究所)、水産庁は鯨類の保護は漁業資源を減らすと主張している。それに対して、専門家は海獣類を駆除しても漁業資源が増えるとは限らないと批判している(Yodzis 2001)。私も、絶滅危惧種でないミンククジラの持続的利用には賛成だが、漁業資源のために駆除するという論拠には同意できない。宮下・野田著『群集生態学』(2003,東大出版会)に紹介されているが、ベンゲラ海域の食物網についてのある数値解析によれば、オットセイの駆除が漁業資源を増やすとは言えないという。

・ 「胸を張った責任ある漁業」と自然保護の両立を

Sustainable fishery must be compatible with marine mammals

Hiroyuki MATSUDA (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo)

・ If fishermen neglect sealions conservation, the fate is a repetition of commercial whaling.
Movement for conservation of marine mammals and birds, including sea lions has been strong in America. Tuna long-line fishery is now strongly criticized and follows moratorium of whaling. If we consider conservation as opponent of sustainable use, fishermen will lost their future. In environmental issues, precautionary principle is agreed. Lack of full scientific evidence of environmental impact is not be used as any excuse of postponing conservation actions. If the number of culls is under-reported, fishing ban will be enforced. Irrespective of our opinion on conservation actions, fishermen must realize these political circumstances.

・ Role of marine mammals in fisheries ecosystems
According to scientific whaling data, the biomass that food consumption of whales is at least three times larger than the total catch of world fisheries(Tamura & Ohsumi 1999). Fisheries Agency of Japan argue a negative impact of protection of whales on fisheries resources. Ecologists, however, argued that cull of top predators may not be a positive effect on fisheries bioresources (Yodzis 2001, see also Miyashita & Noda’s textbook 2003). Yodzis (1998) resulted uncertain effects of culling seals on fisheries bioresources. I agree to Yodzis’ indeterminacy, although I agree to sustainable whaling because whaling is sustainable use and minke whales are not threatened.
If sea lion individuals that break fishing nets are culled, we must re-analyze the cost and benefit of the culling. If sea lions are randomly culled, I also suspect the effect of culling on fisheries. There is no data suggesting that random culling be decrease damage on fishing nets. Random culling will probably be prohibited in near future in Japan. Culling deer and bears are allowed under managenent procedures. Because sea lions are endangered, random cull is never allowed. We need to make other measures than random culling.

・ Fishermen, be proud of sustainable fisheries, be compatible with nature conservation
Japanese per capita ecological footprint is much smaller than American (WWF: Living planet report 2003). The latter criticized the former against managed whaling. I am proud of Japanese “rabit hatch”, lower calloric intake and the longest longevity. American agriculture is strong in free trade, but destructing world traditional and sustainable agriculture. American land is characterized by desert and big forest fire. Sustainable fisheries are possible if we exploit a small part of ecosystem products. Unfortunately, current Japanese fisheries are not sustainable. Traditional Japanese consider that change of ecosystem status caused by fishery is punished by heaven. If fishermen do not expect that fisheries continue in the next generation, public do not support their unsustainable fisheries.