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Date: October 20-24 2008
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama (Yokohama, Japan)
Program draft by Hiroyuki MATSUDA
All programs are uploaded on the official site
Titles and abstracts of other sessions: see the official site
Related subsessions of other sessions
Session 7: Biodiversity and Management (Japanese) 7d, 7e
- 7a. Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries Management of Salmonids
Salmonid populations (Family SALMONIDAE) face increasing pressures from
a multitude of human impacts, including global warming zand climate change
risks, over-fishing, exotic species spread, habitat loss, negative effects
of aquaculture and hatchery programs, and higher levels of recreational
fishing. In this subsession, we will outline issues of global warming and
climate change, risk and benefit of aquaculture and hatchery programs,
the influence of exotic species on native species and ecosystems in the
freshwater environment, anthropogenic habitat change, and habitat rehabilitation
for salmonid fishes. We will then address the framework of sustainable
fisheries management and biodiversity conservation based on the aquatic
ecosystem approach.
- 7b. Adaptive management of cetaceans and other marine species
Cetacean stocks have been managed internationally since establishment of
the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1948. For the first two decades
stock management by the Blue Whale Unit (BWU) management system had failed
to conserve many cetacean stocks. However the new management procedure
(NMP) which incorporated MSY concept and adopted by IWC in 1975, largely
improved the conservation and manage of cetacean stocks. To synchronize
worldwide conservation trends on cetaceans, the IWC adopted a moratorium
decision on commercial whaling 1982. The moratorium on cetacean harvest
was a politically enforced decision rather than a decision based on scientific
reasons. The moratorium decision lead to further development of the stock
management technique and the IWC Scientific Committee developed and agreed
to the revised management procedure (RMP). The RMP was adopted by IWC in
1994. The RMP is an example of an adaptive management program, which incorporates
feedback from research results to catch limit algorithms. The RMP is very
robust to uncertainty in stock information such that lower accuracy in
information generates lower catch limits. While commercial whaling based
on the RMP has not started, the IWC/SC continues implementation of RMP
trials to check performance for targeted stock and species. This subsession
reviews current activities of the RMP operations and points out scientific
problems facing the RMP, especially in comparison to the international
or regional stock management of tunas. Discussions at this subsession will
contribute to general understanding of performance of adaptive management
of fisheries stocks
- 7c. Species/genetic diversity and conservation for fisheries
To achieve sustainable fisheries in the world, it is essential to determine
the genetic differences in aquatic organisms . In this sub-session, we
deal with genetic concepts and discuss the roles of the phylogenetic and
population genetic studies in production and conservation of fisheries.
Actual states of the genetic studies on mollusca, crustacean, echinoderm
and vertebrates will be discussed.
- 7d. Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Marine ecosystems can be heavily affected by fisheries, climate change
and other human impacts. As United Nations Millennium Ecosystem assessments
reported, the average trophic level of landed fishes has shifted from higher
trophic level to lower trophic levels (“fishing down the food web”) and
the average depth of fishing has increased. In addition there is evidence
of a marked decline in abundance of large predatory fish. However, the
consequences of such human impacts on whole food web structure and ecosystem
functioning are still unclear. More information on trophic cascades and
the role of biodiversity on ecosystem services to evaluate human effects
are needed. The main aim of this subsession is to investigate assessment
of biodiversity in marine ecosystems and human impact on ecosystem services.
- 7e. Ecosystem and habitat assessment and management
The majority of fisheries management techniques are still based on harvest
control of target species. However, an ecosystem approach in fisheries
management has been widely accepted as being required to insure sustainable
fisheries. There are several sub-themes within this session: we will discuss
case studies of ecosystem-based management and habitat management of marine
protected areas and other marine parks: assessments of conservation efforts
on marine ecosystems and habitats including coral reefs, seagrass beds
and estuaries, evaluation of the gaps between the written management program
and actual performance of fisheries, and efforts to monitor illegal, unreported
and unregulated (IUU) fisheries. This subsession also welcomes contribution
of voluntary efforts towards fisheries management by fishermen and other
stakeholders (co-management).
- 7f Inland Fisheries --The Hidden Crisis
The focus of this session is to bring attention to the largely ignored
plight of inland fisheries. In the developed world, recreational anglers
through their demands for non-native fisheries and high rates of harvest
have completely altered ecosystems. In the developing world, the main animal
protein is tilapia and other inland food resources and we're rapidly converting
many waterways into aquaculture. With the global emphasis on marine fisheries,
we generally do not have a broad understanding of the importance of inland
fisheries and how aquatic ecosystems have been modified to accommodate
these fisheries. This session will emphasize three elements: 1) the impact
of inland recreational fisheries; 2) inland local and artisinal fisheries
3) inland aquaculture and its effects on aquatic ecosystems.
- 7g Eel ecology and its sustainable stock management
The signatories to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), discusses current status of several
fish species. The European Union (EU) proposed the European eel for inclusion
on the CITES list.. The EU proposal requests that the European eel be covered
by CITES regulations. The stock of the European eel has declined abruptly
since 1970’s and this decline is believed to be as a result of over-fishing.
Declines in European eels caused concern in Japan because large numbers
of the European eel are exported to Japan via China. Similarly, in the
Pacific Ocean, stock of the Japanese eel is also declining. In this sub-session,
we discuss recent circumstances surrounding eel stocks around the world,
ecological comparison of the Japanese and European eels, and future prospect
of sustainable stock management of these important fishery species.
- 7h. Fish Welfare in Fisheries
The welfare of fishes, what this means, whether human activities compromise
it and, if so, what if anything should be done about it are complex, important
and controversial topics. They have already been the subject of considerable
debate in the context of aquaculture and recreational fisheries.
In both cases, there are still many conflicting interests and many areas
of uncertainty and disagreement. However, there is also sufficient consensus
to underpin constructive discussion of strategies and guidelines for the
responsible, welfare-friendly use of fish in aquaculture and angling. To
date, little attention has been paid to the welfare of fish in the context
of commercial fisheries, although such attention will surely come and the
industry should be prepared for it. The aim of this subsession is to open
up debate, exchanging thoughts and hopefully identify a way forward, drawing
on the experience gained in discussion of aquaculture and recreational
fisheries. For details, please visit
第5回世界水産学会議 世界の福祉と環境保護のための水産業
セッション7「生物多様性と管理」 サブセッション日本語要旨
- 7-1. サケ科魚類の生物多様性保全と持続的資源管理
- 7-2. 鯨類とほかの海洋生物の順応的管理
- 7-3. 種多様性、遺伝的多様性と漁業の保全
- 7-4. 生物多様性と生態系サービスの評価
- 7-5. 生態系と生息地の評価と管理
- 7-6 内水面水産業−その隠れた危機
- 7-7 ウナギの生態とその持続的資源管理
- 7-8. メカジキ及びカジキ類の資源構造と生息場の大洋間比較に基づく検討
Related subsessions of other sessions
- S1-5. Role of hatcheries in management and conservation
- S1-6. Stock assessment methods: status and recent innovations
- S1-7. Fisheries by-catch
- S1-8. Seamount fisheries
- S5-5. Ecosystems and fisheries (general) 生態系と漁業(一般)
- S8-2: Resource Management and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 資源管理とミレニアム生態系評価
- S8-8. Territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs) and spatial management