横浜国大において、11/30 Blue Carbon 国際ワークショップを開催します。これは平成26 年度環境研究総合推進費2RF-1401「気候変動の緩和策と適応策の統合的実施研究に関する検討」(沖大幹代表)の一環として開催されるものです。沿岸生態系への炭素貯留量(ブルーカーボン)の気候変動に対する緩和と適応効果の総合評価については、まだ見解が定まっていません。そこで、内外の専門家を招いて議論を重ねる予定です。関心ある研究者、行政担当者、環境団体の皆様の参加を歓迎します。(参加費は無料ですが、資料作成準備のため、11
月 25 日までに matasudaynu.ac.jp,FAX 045-339-4373 松田まで参加申し込みいただければ幸いです)
This Workshop is held as part of Grant in aid from Ministry of Environment 2RF-1401 "Feasibility Study on the Integrated Implementation of Mitigation and Adaptation for Climate Change". Effects of carbon storage to coastal ecosystems (blue carbon) on the mitigation and adaptation policy is still unknown. We invite internal and external experts for in-depth discussion. Scientists, government officers, and citizens who are interested in this issue is welcome. (Admission of the workshop is free, but advanced registration will be appreciated by Thursday, 25, November. Please send your name and affiliation by e-mail to matsuda@ynu.ac.jp)
Organizer: COSIE, Yokohama National University, Poster (Please use announcement)訂正*
Collaboration: Grant-in-Aid from Ministry of Environment Japan “Feasibility
Study on the Integrated Implementation of Mitigation and Adaptation for
Climate Change”
Venue: Meeting Room B, Education and Culture Hall, (Yokohama National University)
access 交通案内 Map教育文化ホール
Date & Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm, November 30 (Sun.), 2014
Sponsors: Nippon Foundation、 Ministry of Environment Japan,