Keywords for Environmental Risk Management

Accronym Keywords Chapter
Biodiversity 1
Ecological risk 1
Ecosystem service 1
Endpoint 1
Environmental economy 1
Environmental risk 1
Hazard 1
Human health risk 1
POPs Persistent organic pollutants 1
Pollution 1
Precautionary principle 1
Prevention 1
Rio declaration 1
Risk 1
Risk assessment 1
Risk communication 1
Risk management 1
Scenario 1
Type I error 1
Type II error 1
uncertainty 1
weight of evidence 1
Acute toxicity 2
Chronic toxicity 2
DDT Dichloro diphengl trichloroephane 2
Dose-response curve 2
Ecotoxicology 2
Endocrine disrupter 2
Extrapolation 2
High risk group 2
LNT Linear and non-threshold (model) 2
LOAEL Lowest observed adverse effective level 2
LC50 Median lethal concentration 2
NOAEL Non-observed adverse effective level 2
QSAR Quantitative structure-activity relationship 2
Risk-benefit analysis 2
Safety coefficient 2
Sensitivity 2
Threshold model 2
TBT Tribtyltin 2
TBT Tribtyltin 2
Effluent standard 3
Environmental standard 3
HC5 Hazardous concentration for 5% of species 3
Non point source 3
Species sensitivity distribution 3
Demographic stochasticity 4
EIA Environmental impact assessment 4
Expected loss of biodiversity 4
Extinction risk 4
PVA Population viability analysis 4
Redlist 4
Density effect 5
Discount rate 5
Ecological footprint 5
MSY Maximum sustainable yield 5
Overexploitation 5
TAC Total allowable catch 5
trophic level 5
Accountability 6
Adaptive management 6
AIC Akaike's information criterion 6
Bayesian estimation 6
Confidence interval 6
Likelihood 6
Matrix population model 6
Maximum likelihood method 6
Measurement error 6
Population dynamics 6
Process error 6
State space model 6
MVP Minimum viable population 7
Endangered species act 8
Environmental stochasticity 8
PBR Potential biological removal 8
Scientific committee 8
Threatened 8
CPUE Catch per unit effort 9
Cost-effective 9
Exotic species 9
Ecosystem approach 10
Ecosystem management 10
Feasibility 10
Multi-disciplinary 10
Natural disturbance 10
Participatory approach 10
Passive restoration, 10
Regulatory science 10
Resilience 10
Succession 10
Sustainable use 10
Transdisciplinarity 10
ABS Access and benefit sharing 11
Bottle neck effect 11
Genetic diversity 11
GMO Genetically modified organism 11
Business risk 12
LCA Life cycle assessment 12
Risk tradeoff 12
Screening assessment 12
adaptation policy 13
Conservation ecology 13
game theory 13
mitigation policy 13
Nash solution 13
the tragedy of the commons 13
ILK Indeginous local knowledge
NCP Nature's Contribution to People
Open Science
PES Payment for ecosystem services
   Science diplomacy