CBD COP10 Side Event Japanese Flyer(English-Japanese)
Ivent ID. 1782: October 27, 16:30pm - 18:00pm, Room 235 - Bldg 2, 3rd Floor (simultaneous
English-Japanese interpretation provided)
Participation fee: free (but the audience must register the COP10 ID (see
section 4.2.3 of the CBD site)
Organizers:The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS), The Society for Conservation of Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment (CoFRaME), Liaison Council of Academic Societies on Coastal Environment
A satellite symposium will be held on October 28th, 13:00-16:30 at Nagoya City University
This web site is made by Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama National University;
CoFRaME; DIVERSITAS Scientific Committee; Pew Marine Conservation Fellow) matsudaynu.ac.jp
生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議 サイドイベント1782 チラシ(日英兼用)
日時場所:2010年10月27日 16:30pm - 18:00pm, Room 235 - Bldg 2, 3rd Floor
このサイトの問合せ先・参加申込み先 横浜国立大学 松田裕之 matsudaynu.ac.jp FAX045-339-4373