Hiroyuki MATSUDA's Curriculum Vitae
Japanese Version, request available. last updated on April 8, 2022
Birth on June, 1957 at Ohmuta City, Fukuoka, Japan
Nationality Japan, Parents were born in Okinawa, Japan
Department of Risk Management and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences
Yokohama National University
Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama city,
Kanagawa Prefecture, 240-8501 Japan
tel +81-45-339-4362,
email matsuda
Background Concurrent occupations Education_experience Memberships of academic societies
- March 1980, BSc. Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (Biology)
- March 1982, MSc. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Biophysics)
- March 1985, DSc. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Biophysics)
Occupations (as of April 10, 2022)
- April 1, 1985, Research-Technician, Information Processing Center of Medical
Sciences, Nippon Medical School
- April 1, 1986, Research Associate, Information Processing Center of Medical
Sciences, Nippon Medical School
- October 1,1989, Scientist, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science,
Japan Fisheries Agency
- October 1, 1990, Senior Scientist, Division of Mathematical Ecology, National
Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Agency
- February 1, 1993, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of
Science, Kyushu University
- October 1, 1996, Associate Professor, Section of Fish Population Dynamics,
Ocean Research Institute, The University ofTokyo
- December 1, 2003, Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences,
Yokohama National University
Concurrent Occupation (as of April 1, 2022)
- October 1986-September 1989, Research Associate, Department of Physiology,
Nippon Medical School
- September 1991-August 1992, Visiting Scientist, Department of Ecology,
Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota (Invited by Peter A. Abrams)
- October 1996-November 2003, Institute of Aquatic Life Sciences, Graduate
School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- April 1997 - September 2000, Rikkyo University
- April 1999-November 2003, Institute of Global Systems, Graduate School
of General Culture, The University of Tokyo
- May 2000-November 2003, Course of Natural Environment Sciences, Institute
of New Frontier Emergent Science, The University of Tokyo
- During 2006-2011, Visiting Scientist, Research Center for Chemical Risk
Management, Institution of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- During 2009-2011, Visiting Professor, Toho University
- April 2004-, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi
- April 2007-, Member, Center for Risk Management and Safety Sciences, Yokohama National University
- April 2020-, Member, Interfaculty Graduate School, Yokohama National University
- April 2022-, Member, International Strategy Organization, Yokohama National
Memberships of Academic Societies (as of April 1, 2022)
Contribution of Advisory Committees (as of October 1, 2009: Some English name may be informal)
- Since 2015- Project Team for Marine Science Technology, Comprehensive Ocean
Policy Headquarters
- Since 2015- IPBES Global Assessment WG member
- Since 2014- Advisory Committee for New Environment Ordinance, Takayama Village (Chair)
- Since 2014- Study Group for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction
- Since 2014- UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme; MAB Strategy Group
- Since 2014- Local Association for Yakushima-Kuchinoerabujima Biosphere Reserve
- Since 2014- Scientific Committee for Harbor Seals, The Ministry of the
- Since 2014- Working Group for Environmental Impact Assessment, Food Industry
Science Technology Committee
- Since 2014- Follow-up Committee for Henoko US Military Base Construction
Project, Okinawa Defense Bureau
- Since 2014- Committee for Genetically Modified Micro-organisms, Bio-Industry
- Since 2008, Committee for Fisheries Damage Control by Cormorant, Shiga
- Since 2007, Japanese National Committee for MAB (The Man and the Biosphere), Ministry of Education (Tokyo)
- Since 2007. Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB (The Man and the Biosphere),
(Tokyo) (since 2009- Chair)
- Since 2005, Committee for Population Assessment of Steller's Sea Lions,
Fisheries Research Agency (Yokohama)
- Since 2004, Advisory Committee for Brown Bear Management Hokkaido Prefecture (Sapporo)
- Since 2002, Committee for Stock Assessment, Fisheries Research Agency,
Japan (Yokohama)
- Since 1998, Advisory Committee for Deer Conservation and Management, Hokkaido
Prefecture (Sapporo)
- During 2004-14, Scientific Council for Shiretoko World Natural Heritage, Japan Ministry of Environment
- During 2012-13, IGBP, WCRP, DIVERSITAS Working Group, Science Council of
- During 2010-13, Scientific Committee of DIVERSTIAS
- During 2008-14. Committee for Marine Biodiversity, Global Trust (Tokyo) (Chair)
- During 2008-10 The 8th Committee for Future Science and Technology, Future
Technology Institute (Tokyo)
- During 2008-10@Committee for Biodiversity Indicators, Japan Wildlife Research
Center (Tokyo)
- During 2008-09 Committee for Basic Survey of Mammal Biodiversity, Japan Wildlife Research Center (Tokyo)
- During 2007. Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Resources
Environment Technology Center (Tokyo)
- During 2005, Committee for Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation, Japan Fisheries
Resource Conservation Association (Tokyo)
- During 2004, Committee for International Stock Assessment, Japan Fisheries Agency (Tokyo)
- During 2003-10, Committee for Research Projects Evalution, National Institute
for Environmental Sciences (Tsukuba)
- During 2001-2012, Nature Conservation Advisory Committee, WWF Japan (Tokyo)
Education Experience (as of April 1, 2009)
- Theoretical Biology
- Advanced Lecture for Systems Science III, University of Tokyo (2010)
- Ecology, Department of Architecture, Yokohama National University (2009-)
- Conservation Ecology, Toho University (2009)
- Environment Risk Manament, at Graduate School of Agriculture, Utsunomiya
University (2006)
- Risk Assessment and Management, at Tokyo Branch, UN Univeristy (2006)
- Ecological Risk Management, at Graduate School of Technology, Osaka University
- Population Estimation Method for Wildlife Management, at Japan Ministry
of Environment (2005-2006)
Seminar for Interdisciplinary Sciences, at Graduate School of Literature,
University of Tokyo (2004-2006)
- Management of Marine Living Resources, at Graduate School of Kuroshio Science,
Kochi University (2004-)
- Case Studies for Environment Risk Management, at Graduate School of Environment and Information
Sciences, Yokohama National University (2005-)
- Risk Analysis at Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences,
Yokohama National University (2006-)
- Theory of Ecological Risk Management, at Graduate School of Environment
and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University (2006-)
- Environment Impact Assessment, at Graduate School of Environment and Information
Sciences, Yokohama National University (2005-2006)
- Environmental Risk Management, at Graduate School of Environment and Information
Sciences, Yokohama National University (2004-2005)
- Conservation Ecology, at Faculty of Science, Chiba University (2003, 2007)
- Game Theory, at Tokyo University of Fisheries (2002)
- Topics in Information Sciences, at Graduate School of Human and Culture,
Nara Womens University (2002)
- Mathematical Ecology, at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo
Institute of Technology (2001)
- Special Lecture, at Graduate School of Earth and Environment, Hokkaido
University (2001)
- Environmental Risk Management, at Graduate School of Economy, Saitama University
- Advanced Fisheries, at Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- Advanced Ecology, at Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Behavioral Ecology, at Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo Institute
of Agriculture and Technology (1999, 2001)
- Special Lecture, at Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
- Aquatic Ecology, at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo (1999-2003)
- System Planning, at Faculty of Technology, University of Tokyo (1999-2003)
- Ecology, at Faculty of Science, International Christian University (1999)
- Advanced Biological Science, at Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (1998)
- Mathematics and Systems, at Rikkyo University (1997-2000)
- Fisheries Management, at Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
University of Tokyo (1996-2002)
- Mathematical Biology, at Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
- Biomathematics I and II, at Faculty of Science, Kyushu University (1993-1996)
- Advanced Environment Pedagogy, at Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University
- Information Science, at Nippon Medical School (1987-1989)
- Physiology Practicum, at Nippon Medical School (1986-1989)
Memberships of Academic Committees (as of April 1, 2017)
- During 2016-17 Vice President, The Society for Population Ecology
- Since 2015 Urban Design Center for Sea, Co-president
- Since 2015 Board member, Japanese Association for Marine Policy
- Since 2007-2011, Committee of Public Relations, Japan Fisheries Society
- During 2012-13 President, Ecological Society of Japan
- During Apr.2012-Mar.2014 President, East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies
- During 2005-08, Local Program Committee (Chair of Biodiversity and Management Section), 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008
- During 2005-08, 2011-12, Steering Committee, Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology
- During 2003-06, Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology, Chief Editor
- During 2001-08, Project Committee, Japan Society of Fisheries Oceanography
- During 2000-01, Miyadi Award Committee, Japan Ecological Society
- During 2001-06, Editorial Board of Ecological Research, Ecological Society of Japan
- During 2000-07, 2010-11, Steering Committee, Ecological Society of Japan
- During 2000-14, Committee of Public Relations, Japanese Society for Fisheries
- During 1999-2000, Editorial Board of Japanese Journal of Biometry
- Since 1999, Advisory Committee of deer Management, The Mammalogical Society of Japan
- During 1998-2010, Steering Committee, Society of Population Ecology
- During 1998-2005, Editorial Board of Population Ecology
- During 1998-2004, Steering Committee, Japan Association of Mathematical Biology
- During 1995-96, Editorial Board, Japan Society of Biophysics
Publication list