Previous Research by Hiroyuki MATSUDA 松田裕之の過去の研究
将来再開する可能性があります 学生など募集中 (under construction) last updated on
Present Research 現在の研究 reprint request: mail to: matsuda2 ynu.ac.jp
Evolutionary Ecology 進化生態学
Pairwise Invasion plot for Predator switching 捕食のスイッチング
Exploitative Mutualism, Predator-specific Defense 天敵特異的防御による捕食相利関係
Coevulutionarily Stable Community Structure 共進化的に安定な群集構造
Convergent Instability and Evolutionary Dynamics 進化力学における収束不安定性
Self Extinction 進化力学がもたらす種の絶滅など
The Law of Equalization in Net Incomes進化的に安定な発生過程と手取り一定の定理
Conservation Ecology 保全生態学
Red list of Japanese Vascular Plants and Environmental Impact Assessment
based on Extinction Risk 日本の植物レッドリストの判定基準とそれを用いた環境影響評価○
Is Tuna Critically Endangered? Or will Tuna recover? ミナミマグロは絶滅するか?回復するか?○
Precautionary Principle and Approach 予防原則と予防的取組み
Wilidlife Management 野生生物管理
Adaptive Management for sika deer in Hokkaido Island エゾシカの順応的管理○
Fisheries Sciences 水産資源管理
Cyclic Advantage Hypothesis for sardine-anchovy-mackerel population dynamics 浮魚類の資源変動における3すくみ説○
Fisheries Management for fluctuating bioresources 変動する資源の管理理論○
繁殖ポテンシャル○ セタシジミ回復計画○
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Evolutionary Ecology 進化生態学
Pairwise Invasion plot for Predator switching捕食のスイッチング
[A2] Matsuda H (1985) Evolutionarily stable strategies for predator switching.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 115:351-366.
[A3] Matsuda H, Kawasaki K, Shigesada N, Teramoto E, Ricciardi LM (1986)
Switching effect on predation of the prey-predator system with three trophic
levels. Journal of Theoretical Biology122:251-262.
Exploitative Mutualism mediated by Predator-specific Defense 天敵特異的防御による捕食相利関係
各餌への選好性という量的形質の進化を、選好性の和が1であるという制約から、Eigen's equationと同じ式を用いて議論しました。「襲い分け」という概念は、これで(日本では)定着しました。2種の捕食者が共通の餌を利用するとき、competitionでなくmutualismがありえるという主張はこの論文までの一連の成果です。襲い分けを考慮すれば、群集構造はより複雑になり、捕食者間の共存が促進されると主張しました。
[A27] Matsuda H, Hori M, Abrams PA (1996) Effects of predator-specific
defense on biodiversity and community complexity in two-trophic-level communities.
Evolutionary Ecology 10:13-28.
[A23] Matsuda H, Hori M, Abrams PA (1994) Effects of predator-specific
defense on predator persistence and community complexity. Evolutionary
Ecology 8(6):628-639.
[A18] Matsuda H, Abrams PA, Hori M (1993) The effect of adaptive antipredator
behavior on exploitative competition and mutualism between predators. Oikos
Coevulutionarily Stable Community Structure 共進化的に安定な群集構造
[A7] Matsuda H, Namba T (1991) Food web graph of a coevolutionarily stable
community. Ecology 72(1):267-276.
[A4] Matsuda H, Namba T (1989) Coevolutionarily stable community structure
in a patchy environment. Journal of Theoretical Biology136:229-243.
Convergent Instability and Evolutionary Dynamics 進化力学における収束不安定性
[A15] Abrams PA, Matsuda H, Harada Y (1993) Evolutionarily unstable fitness
maxima and stable minima in continuous trait values. Evolutionary Ecology
[A39] Matsuda H, Abrams PA . (1999) Why are equally-sized gametes so rare?
The instability of isogamy and the cost of anisogamy. Evolutionary Ecology
Ecological Consequenses of Evolutionary Dynamics (see also Exploitative mutualism and CSC) 進化力学がもたらす種の絶滅など
[A24] Matsuda H, Abrams PA (1994) Runaway evolution to self-extinction
under asymmetric competition. Evolution 48:1764-1772.
[A20] Matsuda H, Abrams PA (1994) Timid consumers: self-extinction due
to adaptive change in foraging and anti-predator effort. Theoretical Population
Biology 45:76-91.
The Law of Equalization in Net Incomes進化的に安定な発生過程と手取り一定の定理
[A6] Matsuda H, Harada Y (1990) Evolutionarily stable stalk to spore ratio
in cellular slime molds and the law of equalization in net incomes. Journal
of Theoretical Biology 147:329-344.
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Conservation Ecology 保全生態学
Red list of Japanese Vascular Plants and Environmental Impact Assessment based on Extinction Risk 日本の植物レッドリストの判定基準とそれを用いた環境影響評価○
[A52x] Matsuda H, Serizawa S, Ueda K, Kato T, Yahara T (2003) Extinction
Risk Assessment of Vascular Plants in the 2005 World Exposition, Japan.
Chemosphere in press
[A41] Matsuda H, Hada Y, Moriyama A, Washitani I (2001)'SATOYAMA' and environmental
impact assessment for the World Exposition 2005: A conservation ecological
evaluation. Global Environment Research 5:183-192.
[A42] Oka T, Matsuda H, Kadono Y (2001) Ecological risk-benefit analysis
of a wetland development based on risk assessment using `expected loss
of biodiversity'. Risk Analysis 21: 1011-1023.
Is Tuna Critically Endangered? Or Will Tuna recover? ミナミマグロは絶滅するか?回復するか?○
[A40] Mori M, Katsukawa T, Matsuda H (2001) Recovery Plan for the Exploited
Species: Southern Bluefin Tuna. Population Ecology 43:125-132.
[A36] Matsuda H, Takenaka Y, Yahara T, Uozumi Y (1998) Extinction risk
assessment of declining wild populations: in the case of the southern bluefin
tuna. Researches on Population Ecology 40:271-278
[A35] Matsuda H, Yahara T, Uozumi Y (1997) Is the tuna critically endangered?
Extinction risk of a large and overexploited population. Ecological Research
Precautionary Principle and Approach 予防原則と予防的取組み
[A51] Matsuda H (2003) Challenges posed by the precautionary principle
and accountability in ecological risk assessment. Environmetrics 14: 245-254.
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Wilidlife Management 野生生物管理
Adaptive Management for sika deer in Hokkaido Island エゾシカの順応的管理○
[A47] Matsuda H, Uno H, Kaji K, Tamada K, Saitoh T, Hirakawa H (2002) A
population estimation method by reconstructing the population size from
harvest data: a case study of sika deer in Hokkaido Island, Japan. Wildlife
Society Bulletin 30(4):1160-1171.
[A38] Matsuda H., Kaji, K., Uno, H., Hirakawa, H., Saitoh, T. (1999) A
management policy for sika deer based on sex-specific hunting. Researches
on Population Ecology41:139-149.
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Fisheries Sciences 水産資源学 資源変動と管理
Cyclic Advantage Hypothesis for sardine-anchovy-mackerel population dynamics 浮魚類の資源変動における3すくみ説○
[A12] Matsuda H, Wada T, Takeuchi Y, Matsumiya Y (1992) Model analysis
of the effect of environmental fluctuation on the species replacement pattern
of pelagic fishes under interspecific competition. Researches on Population
Ecology 34:309-319.
[A10] Takeuchi Y, Oshime Y, Matsuda H (1992) Persistence and periodic orbits
of a three-competitor model with refuges. Mathematical Biosciences 108(1):105-125.
[A8] Matsuda H, Wada T, Takeuchi Y, Matsumiya Y (1991) Alternative models
for species replacement of pelagic fishes. Researches on Population Ecology
Fisheries Management for fluctuating bioresources 変動する資源の管理理論資源管理理論○
[A11] Matsuda H, Kishida T, Kidachi, T (1992) Optimal harvesting policy
for chub mackerel in Japan under a fluctuating environment. Canadian Journal
of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 49:1796-1800.
[A44] Kawai H, Yatsu A, Watanabe C, Mitani T, Katsukawa T, Matsuda H (2002)
Recovery policy for chub mackerel stock using recruitment-per-spawning.
Fish. Sci. 68:961-969.
Switching Fisheries = An Ecosystem Fisheries Management (see also predator switching)
[A46] Matsuda H, Katsukawa T (2002) Fisheries Management Based on Ecosystem
Dynamics and Feedback Control. Fisheries Oceanography 11 (6): 366-370
[A49] Katsukawa T, Matsuda H (2003) Simulated effects of target switching on yield and sustainability
of fish stocks. Fisheries Research 60:515 - 525
Reproductive Value and Harvest Value
[A19] Matsuda H, Mitani I, Asano K (1994) Impact factors of purse seine net and dip net
fisheries on a chub mackerel population. Researches on Population Ecology 36:201-207.
[A30] Matsuda H, Fukase K, Mitani I, Asano K (1996) Impacts per unit weight in catch by
two types of fisheries on a chub mackerel population. Researches on Population Ecology 38(2):219-224
[A37] Matsuda H, Yamauchi A, Matsumiya Y and Yamakawa T (1999) Reproductive
value, harvest value, impact multiplier as indicators for maximum sustainable
fisheries. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 2:129-146.
[A45] Katsukawa T, Matsuda H, Matsumiya Y (2002) Population reproductive potential: evaluation of long-term
stock productivity. Fisheries Sciences 68:1104-1110.繁殖ポテンシャル
[A50] Matsuda H, Nishimori K (2003) A size-structured model for stock rehabilitation program
of an endemic overexploited bioresouce. Fisheries Research 60:223-236 セタシジミ回復計画○